Whhore is ready. It is an editor designed to patch HH for new features and levels, hack game data and graphics.
What Whhore can:
- Patches the game to work with extra 32kb memory (JE).
- Any level can be made Pac-man style “eat all to win”.
- Modify lives.
- Modify title, glue or seperate upper&lower parts of it.
- Import a 64×20 BMP file into title screen.
- Change sound of the title screen.
- Create and add new levels.
- Edit teleport locations.
- Edit tile graphics: 256 of them instead of 8 original (JE).
- Edit up to 42 levels.
- Preview levels.
- Corner detection (#) and force not to detect corners (I).
- Copy/paste levels.
- Read and write from/to a SNA file.
- “HELP!” button for manual.
What Whorre cannot:
it’s a VB6 exe: Don’t expect miracles.
it’s not very cleverly designed: it’s a modification to my old “ladder cpm” editor. so it’s text based and ugly.
it won’t work on vista and w7 UNTIL you download a copy of VB 6.0 dll (MSVBVM60.DLL).
Experimental release.
Import a small picture into maze.
Where to get it?
Whhore (the Editor) 25kb Warning: Experimental. May not work at all.
Where to get Brand New Whhore Game “Hungry Horace 2”?
Hungry Horace 2 (the game) 30kb