This article is obsolete. Get basinC 1.79 instead.
Here is a better basinc 1.7. Again, this is NOT alpha. Please update your basinC.
Download BasinC V1.7 (~3.5MB zip file)
Do not merge old basinc folder with this one. Create a clean folder for this version to work.
If you desperately need your old preferences, just rename your old basin.ini file as basinC.ini and copy it into new basinc 1.7 folder. Basinc will upgrade your ini file as it exits. Some of your preferences may be lost in the process.
// BasinC v1.7 20.11.2017
// Added new toolbar buttons
// Added toggle breakpoint navigation buttons (see view menu)
// Added auto backup feature. Basinc saves your work in the background every 3 minutes.
// it keeps 10 copies going back up to 30 minutes in /autoback folder.
// To turn this feature off, use: Options > Filing > Auto Backup
// Changed – Basinc now requires basinC.bin and basinC.ini rather than old basin.ini.