Category Archives: Sinclair Zx Spectrum

New version of ZXVisionis available for windows


ZXVision is a ZX Spectrum graphics viewing tool first released in 2009 under the name SpeccyView4. While the program was initially created to display SCR and MLT graphics, it can also open Snapshot types and TAP/TZX files to view graphic files within.

It intelligently determines the border color or can display in Loading Stripe mode if desired.

Along with the slideshow feature, there are several functions to manipulate loaded images. For example, after loading an SCR, choose Glow first, then SlotMask, and then Glow again from the EDIT menu. You can see the image transform into a TV display.

The program is written in .NET Framework 4. It runs on Windows 10 without requiring any additional installations.

DOWNLOAD ZX Vision V5.2 53KB ZIP file
Just extract and run. No installation or user privileges required. ZXVision works best if you associate it with SCR and MLT filetypes.

UPDATE 21/01/24: V5.3 is available here

Need some images to look at?
DOWNLOAD ZX Spectrum Random Image Pack 360KB Zip file
Unpack all the files to any folder and drag and drop a file into ZX Vision to view it.

More images? Check out website.

Basinc 1.794

There is not much in this update. First of all, you’ll see a few improvements to the UDG Editor that DamienG requested.

Second, while making a few fixes about the SimpleCON device, a bug is also fixed.

But if you came here via BasinC’s own update check reminder, congratz (to both of us)! it’s good right =) Please leave a comment. Do you think basinc will benefit from improved internet functions? And mention your own ideas. (if you are not–don’t forget to enable update check under Tools > Basinc Options > Basinc Network).

Download latest release here:
Portable Download ZIP File, with examples and fonts etc. –Extract to any folder and run.

Download Installer Exe Automatic light install and Uninstall (InnoSetup) -Note: inno didn’t include autoback folder so you have to manually add it to installation folder or disable auto backup in options (or you get errors every 3 minutes)

In the meantime, we welcome you all to our Discord server: Your Invitation


// 1.79.4
// Added - UDG Editor Window, "Save" file option, CTRL+S, CTRL+O shortcuts, keeps track of open file and notify if there is a pixel modified as * in the title bar.
// Fixed - SimpleCON register couldn't be displayed as text because it was initialized as 0, now it is spaces.
// Changed-SimpleCON window was popping up in every character output. Now it only pops up when linefeed.

// 1.79.3
// Fixed - Profile window was showing wrong token in strings. (reported by: lippmaje)

// 1.79.2 (19.05.2022)
// Added - Basin Update Check (disabled by default, enable in Options)

BasinC 1.79 is available! — Snippets!

This article is obsolete. Get basinC 1.794 instead.

Snippets Window where you can put short clips of programs and simplecon is simplified. Also basin can check updates if you enable it in options.

BasinC 1.792 ZIP file 3.1MB Zip File Portable Folder
Basinc 1.792 installer 3.1MB Executable

How to manually install?
Just unzip the file somewhere you have write access to. (basin keep backups your programs automatically in autoback folder).

How to upgrade?
Unzip this archive into a *new* folder. Carry your old “basinc.ini” file so your settings could be retained.
This archive does not include a basinc.ini configuration file, it will not overwrite it. But it has include snippets file. Be careful not to overwrite your old snippets.dat file.


// 1.79.2 (19.05.2022)
// Added – Basin Update Check (disabled by default, enable in Options) – basin can now notify updates.

// 1.79.1 (19.05.2022)
// Added – BasinC Snippets
// Changed – SimpleCon behaviour. Not port 1515 commands sets the byte *then* increment the index. Port 1259,0 feeds the line to the log instead of 255. See examples folder.

// 1.78 (24.10.2021)
// Fixed – IF x THEN REM couldn’t parsed by basinc, now patched, but may present new issues, due it’s just a workaround.
// Fixed – When you execute a direct command, basic was corrupted temporarily. It’s fixed by removing a wild syntax cropper.

BasinC 1.77 Release

EDIT:This is now an old version. Check new version at -> >Basinc 1.792<

Well, this one is again just a quick update. Some bug fixes and minor improvoments.

A visible addendum is Project Notes Editor. It’s just a workaround to add remarks/comments to your project. Note that comments will only saved with BAS files.
Also I’ve added keyboard toggle options for tool windows. For more information please see the changelog below.

BasinC Emulator 1.77 – Download
A reminder: This archive does not contain basinc.ini file. You may copy your old ini file into basinc 1.77 folder or basinc will create a new ini file for you.

Happy halloween!

Version History:
Continue reading BasinC 1.77 Release

Basinc Minor update, Version 1.72

This article is obsolete. Get latest BasinC here.

This is a minor update for basinc. It fixes one bug and adds a new feature.

This package needs main basinc 1.70 (obsolete:get 1.77 instead) pre-installed on your system. Just overwrite old basinc.exe with this new executable file.

Download 1.72 update package (obsolete)  1.3MB Zip Archive
Reminder: Basinc 1.77 is out!!!
1.70 -> 1.72
Added: -dumptxt commandline parameter. Extracts and saves BASIC portion of the program. Usage: basinc <filename> -dumptxt
Added: 4x,5x,6x font sizes for hi-dpi non-zoomed screens.
Fixed: variables with 90ish numbers like a91, b95 weren’t properly tokenized.

BasinC Version 1.7

This article is obsolete. Get basinC 1.79 instead.

Here is a better basinc 1.7. Again, this is NOT alpha. Please update your basinC.

Download BasinC V1.7 (~3.5MB zip file)

Do not merge old basinc folder with this one. Create a clean folder for this version to work.

If you desperately need your old preferences, just rename your old basin.ini file as basinC.ini and copy it into new basinc 1.7 folder. Basinc will upgrade your ini file as it exits. Some of your preferences may be lost in the process.


// BasinC v1.7 20.11.2017

// Added new toolbar buttons
// Added toggle breakpoint navigation buttons (see view menu)
// Added auto backup feature. Basinc saves your work in the background every 3 minutes.
// it keeps 10 copies going back up to 30 minutes in /autoback folder.
// To turn this feature off, use: Options > Filing > Auto Backup
// Changed – Basinc now requires basinC.bin and basinC.ini rather than old basin.ini.

BasinC 1.7a


This release is an untested alpha release (ok, actually, every basin release might be marked as Alpha).

Not worth for 1.7 glory, you may see some icons missing and some functionalities reduced because I planned to make them better, yet failed to complete all the work. Basinc demands more time that I don’t have.

The project is not abandoned. V1.7 will hit the sinclair basic scene someday in the future 😀

btw. I can accept fancier toolbar icons. Comment or email me if you are interested.

Yours truly,

DOWNLOAD: Basinc1.7a 3.3MB Zip File

(basinC now has an official non-alpha 1.7 release. Please download it from this link:

Here is the tiny list of update history:

Continue reading BasinC 1.7a

SnapToTap 2.4 update

Snaptotap is *the* converter for Zx Spectrum snapshot formats for modern day user.

Snap to tap converts your zx spectrum memory images into standard code blocks where you can then load from *any* source and resume your zx spectrum program from where you left.

As they are ready to run, compressed and auto-decompressing memory images, you can transfer code blocks to/from +3 disk images, sdcards, over serial network connections, tapes, microdrives or any other media.

The only downside is this method only works for 48k images for now.

SnapToTap Version 2.4 Windows Binary Portable release (no installation required)
Download (220kb zip file)

Here is a tutorial converting a SNA snapshot into +3 disk image:
Watch tutorial (11MB xvid codec avi file)

Also, please read “usage.txt” file inside the archive.

For technical description please see the old version enrty:

Zx Spectrum’da SNA to Tap converter


Happy transferring!
